Monday, September 12, 2011

Recruitment 2011: Alpha Chi Omega Zeta Eta

Well, my freaky darlings, I suppose I should mention that I am a loud and proud member of the Alpha Chi Omega: Zeta Eta women's fraternity at Bradley University. This year was my very first year actually recruiting women for the sorority, and let me tell you, it is a bitch. You've got to get the right clothes, use the correct words, and by god if you eat or drink without your PNM eating or drinking, you might lose half your ass from the beating you're going to get. Anyway, enough of my B and M.

So Zeta Eta isn't a real large AXO chapter, but we are all pretty close, and I can honestly tell you that these are some of the best women I've ever known. Our little chapter grew yesterday by a few new little lyres, and I am so excited to welcome them into our chapter. We had an awesome Bid Day Dance Party (which just kind of blew up, as we were supposed to be playing games of some kind) that really broke the ice and let everyone get to know each other.

My only gripe about the entire recruitment process is that of all the sororities on campus, we were the only one not to make campus total. My gripe isn't that we didn't get the girls, my gripe is that we have a "total". AXO is full of girls who are REAL. Let's face it. You know the type I'm talking about. They're always there, always ready, always who they are. They don't plaster a fake image on themselves or try to be something they aren't. My gripe is who are they to tell us how many women we should have? We can't help it if most of the female population would rather drink all night or be surrounded by literally 100 girls who all look exactly the same.

So the message I want all the young women of the world to get from this is that you don't have to be someone else. You are who you are who you are, and there are people out there who will always love you for you.

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